Charitable local foundation "Open Hearts" was established and registered in Mogilev in August 2009. In fact our efforts to protect lives and families began in 2007. During this activity took place a lot of talks and lectures in various audiences about demographic problems of modern society and natural family.
Now we are engaged in:
• Organization of prayer and counseling in abortion clinics in the cities Vitebsk, Mogilev, Baranovichi
• Training volunteers – counselors in abortion clinics
• Organization of regular prayers at Catholic parishes for protection of unborn children and traditional family values (together with the Pastoral Care of Families of the Vitebsk Catholic Diocese)
• Supporting women who choose life
• Working with families and preparing for marriage
• Teaching Fertility Awareness Method
• Leading lecturers for talks in Universities and parishes
Our purpose
The main purpose of activity of Foundation is protection of human life from the moment of conception to natural death and protection of natural family. Contraception cannot be offered to prevent abortion and sexually transmitted infections. For details see the charter of the Foundation.
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around the clock
В рамках деятельности Фонда проводится психологическое консультирование по вопросам семейной жизни, а также организован курс экологии семьи. Одной из важных составляющих деятельности Фонда является проведение лекций и встреч в разных аудиториях о демографических проблемах современного мира, трагедии отказа от деторождения, о вреде контрацепции и абортов для духовного, психологического и физического здоровья супругов. С декабря 2008 в Витебске и Могилеве организовано ежедневное молитвенное дежурство в отделениях неотложной гинекологии
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